These are sermons and devotional messages by other people that spoke to my heart. I like to keep them for future reference. I claim no copyrights to any of them. They are here just to help me when I need to hear the message again. (Emphasis is mine, as these are the lines that spoke the loudest to me). Links to the original sermon page as well as the ministry page are placed in each one. Links to scriptures are included through or

Monday, February 7, 2011

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Posted by: Brenda J. Wood (Heartfelt Devotionals)

1 John 4:9-11: In this the love of God was made manifest (displayed) where we are concerned: in that God sent His Son, the only begotten or unique (Son) into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins. Beloved, if God loved us so (very much), we also ought to love one another. (AMP)

Actor Telly Savalas played the part of a police chief on a 70s TV show. Every show included his ‘tag” line, “Who loves ya, baby!” Sometimes it was offered tenderly to his sweetie, but more often he said it to the guy he had just arrested. His heart wasn’t really in it!

Lots of the people aren’t very lovable. Sometimes they are me. When I’m tired, ill or just plain cranky, I’m not much fun to be around. Fortunately, there are people in my life whose job it is to love me anyway. husband will hug me and say, “Who loves ya, baby?”  When I am down in the dumps, and being a less than perfect companion, my

When life is too hard for living, there is our God, whispering love through His Word and through His people, asking “Who loves ya, baby?” What a tragedy if we miss the opportunity to pass that message on to another.

God, thanks for loving us in our good times and in our bad. Remind us that true love is demonstrated in loving the not very loveable. You remember, God. Those people just like us. Amen.

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