These are sermons and devotional messages by other people that spoke to my heart. I like to keep them for future reference. I claim no copyrights to any of them. They are here just to help me when I need to hear the message again. (Emphasis is mine, as these are the lines that spoke the loudest to me). Links to the original sermon page as well as the ministry page are placed in each one. Links to scriptures are included through or

Monday, May 30, 2011

Don’t Underestimate the Power of God

Of the 12 spies who went into the promised land, 10 brought back a godless report. They exaggerated the size and power of the inhabitant tribes. Only two men returned to camp with a good report – Joshua and Caleb. They said, “Let’s go up and take the country. It’s a good land and we’re strong enough to take it.” (Numbers 13,14)

The Israelites looked at numbers. Ten against, two for. They chose to shake in their boots with the fearful ten. That choice led to much whining and complaining. Some even made plans to return to lives of slavery in Egypt.

The Israelites did what we often do. They overestimated the power of evil and underestimated the power of God. They accepted bad news as fact. Often information from experts turns out to be tainted by pre-conceived ideas, faulty input or personal agendas. In the 1970s a movie circulated amongst many evangelical churches. It showed maps of the world illustrating how Communism would eventually take over the whole world – doom, doom, doom.

Like the enemy tribes ofIsrael, Communism had many weak spots. It wasn’t invincible. Their takeover of the world wasn’t imminent. God was at work behind the scenes taking it apart brick by brick until it tumbled, seemingly overnight.

Many of the challenges we face today appear impenetrable. They make scary noises, spread false rumors of destruction. If we believe the stories of doom, we will fall into the same trap the Israelites fell into – the trap of disrespecting God.

We must always be careful not to overestimate the power of evil and thereby underestimate God’s power to destroy evil. If we view the world as a great enemy, able to take us down at any moment, we will end up living a faithless fearful life.

Forty years later, the quivering voices of the fearful Israelites were dead. Joshua and Caleb, men of faith and courage took charge and led the Israelites to victory.

Will you side with the fearful ten or the faithful two?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Truth Will Set You Free

The Truth Will Set You Free 

By Dan Buckhout

Everyday Christian devotionals

The desire for freedom is ingrained in each of us. This desire is God-designed. The way to achieve freedom is also God-designed. Jesus taught His disciples about this design. By way of the Bible, we get to listen in and personally learn what he taught.

“. . . Jesus said, ‘If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”--John 8:31-32 (NIV).

Jesus said that His teaching revealed truth, and that if we held to it we would be set free. But to be set free, we must first be held captive. This teaching begs the question, “Set free from what?” Jesus’ disciples came right out and asked it! “We have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be free?” (John 8:33). Jesus said that they were, in fact, enslaved and needed the truth to be free. The truth can set us free from the most dangerous slavery of all—the slavery we don’t think controls us. Let’s examine the concepts of slavery and freedom to see how the truth can free us.

We can experience two types of freedom. Let’s call them Freedom A and Freedom B. Freedom A is the freedom to do what we want. When nothing physically restricts us from doing what we want, we experience Freedom A. Freedom A allows us to do wonderful, loving, and kind things if we want to do them. Freedom A also allows us to do hurtful, hateful, and harmful things. In fact, if we examine Freedom A closely, we find that our sinful nature dominates it.

It is easy to think otherwise, but Jesus taught that sinful thoughts are still sinful, even when we disguise them with actions that hide the thoughts (Matthew 5:27-28). God sees the inner thoughts, and those thoughts—not the “candy coated” behaviors we show others—are the measure of sinfulness in our lives (Proverbs 21:2). So, Freedom A leads to self-focus, and ultimately produces immorality, impurity, idolatry, discord, and many other unsavory characteristics in our lives (Galatians 5:19-21). Freedom A serves a sinful, self-focused nature and enslaves us to it. In the end, Freedom A is really slavery masquerading as freedom.

Freedom B is the freedom to do what God wants. When we are not constrained by our self-focused human desires, we are free to love God and love others. Freedom B allows God to do His will through us. It leads to God-focused activity, and ultimately produces love, joy, patience, kindness, and other godly characteristics in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23).  Freedom B serves a loving, almighty God, joining us by free choice to Him. Freedom B is true, eternal freedom. It’s the real deal!

In the end, the type of freedom you experience depends upon whose servant—or slave—you choose to be. If you serve yourself, you attain a false freedom. If you serve God, you attain true, everlasting freedom.

We can find the key to true freedom by working our way in reverse through our passage: We must know the truth. To know the truth, we must become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. To become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, we must hold to His teaching.

We hold to Jesus’ teaching by doing the following:

Prayer: Pray daily that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the truth of Jesus’ teaching.

Study: Encounter His teaching by studying the Bible; make it a part of who you are.

Worship: Worship (reverencing, honoring, praising in word or song, paying homage, etc) draws us closer to God, allowing us to more intimately experience His teaching.

Fellowship: Join with others who also seek His teaching, for both support and accountability.

If we build an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus, we will know the truth and it will set us free. That’s the truth.

When you pray, when you study the Bible, when you worship Me, when you fellowship with others who also seek Me, you are empowered to hold to My teaching and you are really My disciple. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

That’s the YouTruth. The truth will set you free.

Remembering the Milestones in Your Spiritual Journey

By Stephanie Romero
Everyday Christian devotionals
I love this reminder in Psalm 25:6 (The Message):  Mark the milestones of your mercy and love, God; rebuild the ancient landmarks!

Landmarks are great ways to recall times of the past.  Last summer our family took a trip to Washington D.C.  We were surrounded by so many landmarks…so many milestones of what it took for America to be what it is today.

The same can be said of our spiritual journey.  Along the way we have established landmarks, moments in which the future of who we would become have been set in place.  There are milestones in which we see the hand of God so clearly, all of the times He has bestowed on us His mercy and love.

I find this to be a great way to get out of a spiritual funk.  Ever have one of those?  You feel disconnected from God, unable to pray, reading the Bible is like peeling wallpaper and you don’t even feel like going to church.  Most of us wouldn’t admit to ever feeling this way but I am willing to.  Yes, I have had those moments in my life.

But when I get into one of those ruts, I find the best way out is to recall the milestones in my spiritual journey.  I might think back to the day I asked Jesus into my heart, or when my husband came into a relationship with the Lord.  I think of the times Jesus has healed someone in my family, or has directed me to go a certain way.

In the midst of our pain or struggles, we sometimes forget all the wonderful things that God has done.  We forget that He has taken terrible moments in time and managed to turn them around into something beautiful.

Remember the milestones in your spiritual journey.  It just may be what you need to keep pressing on.

Sometimes It’s Just One Step at a Time

By Stephanie Romero
Everyday Christian devotionals

There is an old Rich Mullins song I like called “Step by Step.”  In the chorus he sings, “And step by step You’ll lead me, and I will follow you all of my days.”

Some days that is exactly all we can do, take one step at a timeWhen life begins to overwhelm you, it may be necessary to first catch your breath and then determine that you will get through this but it may be in stepsForget the leaps and bounds.  You are holding onto the tiny steps.

It reminds me of the game “Green Light, Red Light.”  Your back is to the person behind you and when you say “green light” they begin to move toward you but when you say “red light” they have to stop.  The person who is moving behind you will sometimes take big steps but then other times they take small steps.

It also reminds me of the verses in
Psalm 17:4-5 (The Message) that say, “I’m staying on your trail; I’m putting one foot in front of the other.  I’m not giving up.

There are times in life when all we really do is put one foot in front of the otherWe don’t understand, we are confused, we are disappointed or discouraged.  But the point is that we keep moving and we don’t do it aloneWe have the Lord by our side.
The past couple of weeks in my family have been like that.  There has just been a lot going on.  Some of it is just the normal “stuff” of living in a home with teenagers.  And some of it is the “extra stuff” that sometimes gets dumped on us.  When you put it all together, it can feel very overwhelming.

So I have purposed that I won’t try to run ahead.  I won’t try to move farther or faster than I can.  I will take it one step at a time but I also won’t give up.  Because I know I am not walking alone.

Whatever your situation is, remember that sometimes it’s just one step at a time.